Category Archives: Uncategorized

Changes Coming


It has been a long time since I have been here. There are eventually going to be a lot of changes to this site. Please be patient as this is a work in progress.

Please Note

Part of the purpose of this blog is  to provide a space for which I can teach myself basic web design.  As such, there will be times when colors and other elements of this site might seem strange. Please be patient while I learn new skills.

Thank you.


A Decision

Welcome to my new blog!

I decided yesterday to set up a blog to talk about all of  my hobbies. The hard of the process has been choosing a theme that meets my requirements. I experimented with several until choosing this one.

This blog will be a work in progress for the next several days while additions are made to it.

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!